
72 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Best Clock Day game this year.

I think the simplicity of this game is why I enjoyed it so much. The clicking got insane after a while, but it allowed the game to have easy controls which is always something to look for. The animation was great, I love the detail put into each of the fruits and the Tom power-up was a hilarious addition. There wasn't an increase in difficulty as it went on, but I liked the challenge of how the enemies frequently came at a different speed, it turned the game up a notch.

Users often overlook the idea that on Clock Day games can be made as well, I'm glad you took advantage of that. Movies on Clock Day generally do get the glory, but games are always a nice change of pace on that day so way to go against the curve and submit something much more exciting than a movie in my opinion. Great job on this one, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope the medals are fixed soon. Keep up the awesome work, man!

Rooble responds:

Thanks for the very long review :D

I personally think I wasted my time making this, but atleast there aren't many other clock day games to have competition with xD

Pretty good game.

I love how you incorporate video and flash into this game, that is a technique not approached by enough authors today. This game really reminded me of the Aliens from the Planet Dave game, which is one of my personal favorites. I like seeing Nick in your productions, he has really good timing and a funny delivery. The thing that brought down the score was I didn't like was how in the room there were not any directional arrows because I had no idea how to change scenes or how to continue the game. My favorite part was the sequence when Nick was jumping up the stairs, when he yelled "YEAH" I laugh so hard.

I wish you would have put instructions before each of the little games beforehand, the first time I played I thought the game was just escaping the room and the Pac-Man game was an extra game to play at the end. There was also several times when the voices would overlap each other and it got kinda annoying because I wanted to hear all the voices. It was still a unique game which I very much enjoy. I'll be sure to recommend this to the adventure games collection. Keep up the great work you guys!

Fro responds:

Thanks a lot! All advice will be taken into consideration!

A fantastic way to end the series.

This series has been amazing to watch grow and develop. It's incredibly entertaining to play a series of games that rely on brain power instead of the normal rapid-clicking of the mouse. I'm basically just stating in this paragraph how much I enjoy the concept of the Riddle School games, they never fail to amuse me. Everyone of them has been a step up from the previous, really gave me something to look forward to on this site.

The plot for this one was unbelievable, I had to take a few hints from your user page, but everything I couldn't do seemed so obvious when I did it. The puzzles in the nine block game were very challenging, I think I understood the logic behind it, but I'm afraid to be proven wrong, haha. I don't want to give away a major part of the difficulty at the end so hopefully you'll know what I mean, but when I realized "OH MY GOD, HE'S UPSIDE DOWN" I could not have felt like a bigger idiot. I spent so much time on that puzzle and the simple reasoning behind it made it even more clever.

I thought the new characters for this one were great, they fit into the story very well and impacted the story greatly. Diz was cool, I like how you snuck him into the previously games. Did you have a plan for Diz and this plot since Diz was on the poster in Riddle School 3? It's so funny you brought him back, the recurring things from the previous game still make me laugh.

The most amusing part of the game was going back to the previous games and killing your classmates. Nostalgia could not have been better exemplified in any game on this site. I wanted to see Chubb make an appearance in the dream sequence, seeing that him toppling over would be a perfect way for someone to die. Though the whistle and globe death sequences were creative, so I'll let it slide. It felt like I was playing the old games with a set of new eyes.

The animation and controls in this edition were smooth as always. I thought the animation you did for Earth looked amazing, plus the way you animate your characters was cool, very distinctive. I thought the special features were great too, seeing your rejected ideas was fun and Smiley being a girl blew my mind. The only thing I would have taken a point off for was how confusing the plot was, but your summary of it did a good job, so there's nothing to complain about.

The music for the dream sequences was the best audio I've heard throughout your whole series. It fit perfectly into the scene, gave me a real feeling and mood like I was about to take a big step in the game. It's amazing how something a small as the music tracks can be the difference in how a game is received, but I'm glad to say you've got a good ear for that kind of thing, so kudos.

I saw Riddle School 5 was in the portal, so I immediately jumped to your page to look for Riddle School 4. Upon playing it, I was disappointed and thought there was something else to it. April Fool's or not, I was pissed. Then seeing how crucial it was to the advancement of this story, I cannot thank you enough for showing us a piece of the puzzle so early. It really helped me understand what was happening and how the aliens plan was working. I could not imagine how confused I would have been If I had not seen that part beforehand.

In the end, this has continued to be one of the most promising series published to the Newgrounds community. Whether it is the witty humor, the creative plotlines, or the perplexing puzzles, this series does not disappoint. At no time in your games did I stop playing, something about them lures me to play them through to the end. This series sets the bar incredibly high for adventure games and is the prime example of how one should be created. I see no reason why these games shouldn't be at the top of the charts. The playability is great and... I kinda feel like I'm repeating myself, haha. I'll try to sum it up as best as I can:

JonBro, thank you for creating a model of how adventure games should be. Seeing this series evolve is something I love about your creations. This game was the perfect touch to end a fantastic series.

JonBro responds:

I feel like any response I could give this review wouldn't do it justice. This is... pretty much the best review I've ever received. Thank you so much!

Pretty good simulation.

This simulation had some errors and was missing things I would qualify as necessary in these computer simulations, such as more program files and a better internet model, but I thought some of the things in this were clever. You were the first person I saw who adapted the recycle bin in a funny way, so good job on that. I also liked the music documents, I was playing Gimme Shelter the whole time, but I thought it could use some more sounds that are relevant to computers, like a logging on sound, file could not be found, etc.

Most of the animating was good, your like flash you inserted was entertaining too, with a few more additions I think it could be submitted to this site as a single submission. The control panel was somewhat disappointing since nothing was clickable, but I suppose it is wishful thinking or something we can look forward to next edition. Anyway, keep up the good work guys, this was a neat simulation.

Eclipse responds:

Thanks man,we both appreciate the review. We could never really get the internet to work, we were planning on putting in a browser that actually functions but I can't figure it out, neither can Isaiah so I dunno. The control panel was a lot of wishful thinking as you said, most of the features that were grayed out will be added in a later version, along with a working browser or something similar. The lack of program files was actually laziness on my part, more of those will be added in the next version as well. The test flash I agree was good work on Isaiah's part, I'm not good in the art/animation area but he seemed to really pull that off for a test flash.

Thanks for the review!

Better than the first.

The animataion was more fluid in this edition of the game in my opinion, but I insist that disabling the tab key or making the mouse disappear when you hover over an item that is necessary to beat the level, it will provide even more of a challenge. Some levels got somethat repetitive, but I liked the one where you made the coconuts and rum fall out of the tree. The hat swap levels were a pain for me, but I felt proud when I accomplished them, haha.

I like the music a lot, it fit very well into the game. A big collection of this little minigames would be a great compilation to play, most of the levels are very creative and worth a few laughs. Overall, I thought this was another great addition to an awesome series that definately puts you in the Christmas spirit. Keep up the great work, man!

Zonferno responds:

Yeah good advice with the tab key, I'll have to remember that. Thanks a lot for the review! I'm pleased you enjoyed the game man.

Very fun game.

I thought the concept of this game was very creative, the levels were so simple but every one of them was a blast to play. I liked the Indiana Jones scene and the part with the bunny charging up against the other person was also funny. I would recommend disabling the tab key next time, I used it occasionally to solve some of the puzzles that were confusing.

The animation was nice, the scene where you drew heaven's gate looked extremely cool. The text was hard to read at times, especially the beginning, but it wasn't that big of a problem. Overall, it was an interesting game with humor and lots of bunnies. I'm hoping to see an Easter edition of this series in the future! Keep up the great work!

Zonferno responds:

Hey man, thanks for the review - great feedback that I'll keep in mind for the next game! Cheers!

An interesting concept.

This game was worth playing a couple times just so I could experience all of the endings. The animation was simple, but you proved your point and showed great emotion by the expression on the monster's face. I actually felt kind of sad when the monster went back into his cave. One thing I would recommend is to randomize the location of the person on each level, plus whenver the monster eats someone the victim is always pink. Aside from that, I was very impressed, it was a game with a good message.

The music was completely appropriate for this flash, it helped emphasize the monster's pain. This deserves a much higher score. People need to rate this game based on concept and meaning rather than animation or action. Overall, a few clearical errors make this game lack but it spreads good meanings and I like the perspective it is told in. Keep up the good work!

darkmagewizard3 responds:

I'm not too great at programming, so I tried to make up for it with story. Randomizing is not easy for me; I basically taught myself flash. Thank you for the review, it was nice.

A fun quiz.

I had to dig for a lot of these answers, I learned all of this last year in my world history class, so remembering the answers was really fun. The quiz had a nice layout, but adding some pictures or other sounds would have been more appealing to the viewer. The information was laid out nicely, I'm certain you got a good grade from your teachers, I definately learned stuff from it. I like how you emphasized the key points after every section as well.

The part that really made me laugh was when you said Amabo was Obama backwards, the silly logic was funny. One thing I would recommend is changing the text color on the title screen. I like the sand background and whatnot, but the white font was difficult to read. Overall, I enoyed participating in this neat quiz, even if it is educational, haha. Anyway, keep up the great work!

quanmandetil responds:

Hey thanks for the review! Even though I turned this in to my teachers like a month ago now, they're so incompetant that they haven't graded it yet, so I don't know if I got a good grade or not...:(

But thanks for the review anyway. Glad you liked it.

Decent on my standards.

I'm suprised the score for this is so low, I found it to be pretty entertaining. While there was not much of a challenge to the game, I like how you poked fun at yourself for not being good at programming. The animation could use some work here and there, and the clicking on the robot seemed unnecessary, but you put some jokes in there that were my sense of humor, so I felt satisfied at those points.

Point and click games most of the time have items, so maybe adding some items and other rooms would benefit the person playing. The music fit the game well, but length was also an issue that should be covered. It started out being mildly amusing, but then pretty much died out. Anyway, I hope I pinpointed some areas of improvement for you. Keep up the good work!

darkmagewizard3 responds:

Thanks a lot for reviewing, especially since I asked you to. I really should add animation and inventory; there really wasn't any. Glad you liked the jokes, though!

I think I just blurb'd myself.

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