More than an animation...
This flash shows high complexity on so many levels. From the Chariots of Fire scene in the beginning to the hint about the next episode I waas entirely hooked. Not once did I stare away from the screen. Inspiration is hard to find these days, but you are sure full of it. This flash should inspire many authors to create beautiful pieces such as this. One concept I enjoyed from this was how it played out as television show, and I would not be suprised I were to see this on the big screen someday. You made Throwback look so adorable as a duck, and the way he talked was absolutely precious. I also like the Kirby bathroom scene, but I also think I'll be scarred for life after viewing that. I was rocking out when you were playing Whitesnake, that song is my jam! I'm going to be in Tampa next week for Thanksgiving, and I only wish I could see Throwback there. I am definately going to reserve a spot for this in my favorites. I have very high expectations for this series after watching this, so succeeding movies better be just as good! Keep up the great work, you are very skilled and talented!